Our nearest common ancestors are the children of Martha Agnes (White) and John Thomas Spears.  This page is dedicated to our wonderful cousins who descend from Kanzada (Duncan) and Dickson Dudley Spears; also Silva "Sally Ann" (Newman) & Dickson Dudley Spears.  Dickson is the son of Martha Agnes (White) and John Thomas Spears.

You will find albums for the descendants of some of the other children of John Thomas & Martha Agnes in the  Album Index.

The pictures are in alphabetical order by given name. You can use the "Edit" "Find" on your tool bar if you know the name for which you are looking.

Click on a name (or number) to see the picture
Allie (Webber) Spears Clara (Spears) Twist [1] [2]
Clara (Spears) & Pearl Twist Daisy, Grace & Kate (Twist)
Daniel & Allie (Webber)Spears Daniel Webster Spears, Felix Alexander Spears & Pearl Rachel Twist
Felix A. Twist Flossie Dell (Morton) & John W. Routh [1] [2]
Flossie Dell (Morton) & John W. Routh Family Grace, Ed & Dollie Twist
Grace & Katie Twist Grace (Twist) McCormack & Felix Twist
Grace (Twist), John Jr. & John McCormack Sr. [1] [2] Grace (Twist) & John McCormack Jr. [1] [2]
Grace (Twist) & John McCormack Sr. Herman Merritt, John E. McCormack Sr. & Carl Fleming
John Edgar McCormack Jr. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] John Edgar McCormack Sr.
John, Norman, Dorothy & Flossie Routh Martin Alexander Spears [1] [2]
Scrapbook Military

EMAIL: janice@arkansas-roots.com

Page created by Janice Main, based on an idea by Jeremy D