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If you have found in the family history that I have the picture of a grave marker in a particular cemetery, you may find the picture by clicking on the link to that cemetery. Some of the cemeteries hold several of our ancestors, and because of that, I have made individual pages for those. Since some of the cemeteries may only have one or two of our ancestors, I have not made a page for that particular cemetery;  instead, I have placed several cemeteries on one page. I hope this index page will make it easier for you to find the marker for which you are looking.

The names are in alphabetical order. If you know the name of the cemetery and the name of your ancestor, the link will take you to the correct cemetery page for your relative. The picture of the marker will have the name of the cemetery on it, so when you save the picture to your computer, it will have the information.
Click on the link to visit the cemetery page. To get back here close the new window.
Arkansas Cemeteries
Oklahoma Cemeteries
California, Missouri & Washington Cemeteries

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