Counties in Oklahoma where some of our loved ones are buried are Adair, Canadian, Carter, Cherokee, Cleveland, Comanche,
Creek, Custer, Haskell, Kingfisher, Le Flore, Lincoln, Logan, Mayes, McClain, McIntosh, Muskogee, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Pawnee, Payne, Pittsburg,
Pushmataha, Seminole, Sequoyah, Wagoner and Washita.
On this page you will find obituaries and markers for family members buried in Oklahoma cemeteries not found on individual cemetery pages. If I have the
obituary and a picture of the marker, the obituary will be linked from the picture of the marker. Please read our Terms of Use before
saving materials from this site.
I have a picture of a marker for Thomas A. McDougal who I have not linked to our family. Since he is a McDougal, I feel he may be family. If you know
to whom he belongs, please E-Mail me.
We have several ancestors buried in
Arkansas Cemeteries.
Please visit Thorn Cemetery,
Sandhill Cemetery.
Because we have so many family members buried in Oklahoma, I have made individual pages for some cemeteries in Oklahoma Counties.
Please visit
Cherokee County Cemeteries,
Comanche County Cemeteries,
Haskell County Cemeteries,
McIntosh County Cemeteries,
Muskogee County Cemeteries,
Pawnee County Cemeteries,
Seminole & Hughes County Cemeteries,
Sequoyah County Cemeteries and
Tulsa County Cemeteries
to see the markers there. Since we have family buried in other states, you may also check out the Cemeteries Index Page.
The names, from left to right, are in alphabetical order by given name. If you know the name for which you are looking, you can use the "Edit"
"Find" on your tool bar. The name of the cemetery is on the picture.