Thorn Cemetery is a beautiful, well-maintained cemetery located off Highway 65 just north of Greenbrier, Faulkner County, Arkansas. This is not a complete index of this cemetery. A lot of of our family are buried here, so we do have a lot of markers. To see the markers for the Satterwhite family buried in Thorn Cemetery, go to   Thorn Cemetery at Arkansas Roots.

We have been there when the sun was not cooperative with our picture - taking. We have walked in the rain and had no sun, as well as walked when we had bright sunshine. Time of day is crucial to getting good pictures here. I am trying to put the best of our pictures on the site, and if the chance arises to get better ones, then I will replace these. Each time we are in the area, we try to get better pictures of some of the markers.

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The pictures are in alphabetical order by given name. If you know the name for which you are looking. You can use the "Edit" "Find" on your tool bar.
Click on the name to see the grave marker.
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Andrew Jackson Dickens Annie B. C. (Dickens) & Roland W. McRae
Arles Jackson & Lucille (Hankins) Dickens Augusta (Dickens) May
Bobbie R. (Dickens) Call Clarence Ernest & Una (Cole) McCracken
Cynthia Ann (Drake) Spears Daniel F. & Ruby (Cotton) May
Delia (Dickens) McCracken Dorothy R. Dickens
Elbert James Brannon Eldon Guy & Ruby Dickens
Eli Jasper McCracken Ezza (Spears) Mabry
Fannie (Dickens) & Drew Stewart Fern Salina (Lieblong) Mack (obit)
Frances Elizabeth (Sawrie) Cotton Gary Blain Spears
Genes Wesley & Hester (Hallum) May George E. & Salina (Tucker) Lieblong
George E. & Vernell (Kessinger) Dickens George P. Christ (Obit)
George T. & Bareth R. (Conwell) Lieblong George Vinson May (Obit)
Georgia Belle (Lieblong) Moran (obit) Harry Carl Mack Jr. (obit)
Hazel (Dickens) Brakebill Homer Dickens
Isaac A. May Jacob Gould 'Jay' Mobbs
James C. & Ethel M. (Mobbs) Burkett James Edgar Dickens
James & Ida (Spears) Satterwhite James Samuel May (Obit)
Jean L. Spires Jeptha Valentine Dickens
Jeremiah Patrick Dickens Jerry Jackson Burkett
Joe Deal Dickens (obit) John J. & Ara (Moore) Dickens
John & Mattie (Reynolds) Dickens John Lee May
John Samuel Dickens Jr. John Samuel & Mammie (Brakebill) Dickens
John S. & Laura (Hardin) Mobbs John Sanford Mobbs
Kermit & Jennie (Spears) Johnson Lavinia (Dickens) Lane
Leonardis 'Lea' (Carrington) Mobbs Lester Ezra Tucker
Lewis & Avanell (Webb) Dickens Luzetta (Byrd) Dickens
Marckel Edward Dickens Martha E. Spears
Mary J. Spears Martha June (Haden) Dickens (obit)
Mary M. (Lieblong) Dickens Mary Zelle Burkett
Mattie (Dickens) George T. & Opal (Edwards) Lieblong Myrtle P. (Spears) & Delmer V. Tucker
Ollie B. (Nash) Mobbs Smith Pearl E. (Spears) & Wilford Mobbs
Roland Lynn Mobbs Rolen Lynn Mobbs
Rupert Emmitt Mobbs (obit) Ruth R. (McRae) & John Panckow
Sam D. & Viva (Fielder) Lieblong Sarah Elizabeth 'Sallie' (Havens) Mobbs Dial
Samuel E. & Audrey (Tucker) Spears Sarah E. (Drake) Dickens
Sarah L. Spears Segal Alexander & Lovie (Fortner) Spears
Shelby Jean Burkett Thomas Jackson Dickens
Thomas Lee May Vance Weldon Burkett
William C. & M. Elizabeth (Simmons) McRae William Sherman & Ruth (Clay) McDougal
More Dickens Markers Dickens Family History


Page created by Janice Main, based on an idea by Jeremy D